I'll be flying out of Seatac airport down to LAX for a 2 hour delay and from there I have a layover in Auckland, New Zealand for 5 hours before jetting off to Coolangatta, my final destination in Brisbane, Australia (see video). Needless to say I'll be spending 18 hours in the air and 24 hours total traveling from point A to point B. I contemplated staying longer in New Zealand to see the sights and sounds of Kiwi nation but figured I might as well finish my journey and fly back later on holiday.
It feels weird though, a ONE WAY ticket. AH! I'm waiting for approval to apply for my student VISA and then from there register for classes. I'm hoping to pick up a language class on the side, preferably Chinese but am also willing to learn Arabic (if possible). Overall things are falling into place with a little more than a month left. I'll update you all as time comes near.