After weeks of waiting and praying to the Australian gods that it goes smoothly, I was finally confirmed for my Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE). For those confused, the CoE allows me to apply for a student VISA so that I can stay in Australia for the duration of my studies (they don't want some broke bum coming to the country to ask for change day and night). It also allows me to work 20 hours a week with school in session, and 40 hours a week during breaks. All electronically stamped so I just show up and flash my passport to immigration once I land.

Without a CoE for school or sponsorship from an employer, most who come down to Australia either look to just visit or come on holiday. Being there on a holiday VISA allows anyone to work and live for up to a year with the chance to renew for another year. It's common as many of the citizens from the northern Asian countries venture down to find work temporarily before returning home. And if any of my fine friends out there are looking to just escape for a year or two to live and work the good life, I definitely encourage this.
Finally, I registered my travel with the US Department of State as well as inquired about Thailand, New Zealand, Indonesia, South Korea, China, and Japan. These are the main countries I am looking to travel too and visit and by having my trip on file with the US DOS, they'll send you updated info. pertaining to the country. For example, they would send you emails and phone calls about the protests occurring in Thailand if you had it marked as a spot you were traveling too. It's pretty insane as my last time down in Australia in 2007, President Bush was in office and with the help of Prime Minister John Howard, continually sent troops to the Middle East. Well this didn't sit well with Australians, so there were plenty of protests.
This is the last leg of my pre-departure as all I have to do is wait now (just 12 more days!). I'll

send out a final blog before take off and then once I land in Australia start over to my Australia page: http://hardy-australia.blogspot.com/. So be on the lookout! Video blogs to start up soon too!
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